Geography, India - People and Economy


This course examines the diverse geography of India, with a focus on its population dynamics and economic activities. Adhering to CBSE guidelines, it integrates case studies for practical understanding and real-world application.

Class 12 Geography Syllabus

Module 1: Population: Distribution, Density, Growth, and Composition (Periods: 28)

  • Understanding Population Composition and Demographic Transition
  • Analysis of Population Policies and Programs
  • Exploring Migration: Types, Causes, and Consequences

Module 2: Human Settlements (Periods: 30)

  • Classification of Types of Settlements
  • Rural-Urban Migration and Urbanization Trends
  • Smart Cities and Sustainable Urban Development Initiatives

Module 3: Land Resources and Agriculture (Periods: 26)

  • Land Utilization Patterns and Agricultural Practices
  • Examination of Cropping Patterns and Their Impacts
  • Overview of Agrobased Industries and Their Role in the Economy

Assessment Structure

  • Continuous assessment through practical assignments to reinforce learning
  • Midterm examinations to evaluate understanding of key concepts
  • Population case study analysis to apply theoretical knowledge to real scenarios
  • Field visits and reports to provide hands-on experience and insights into geographical phenomena

Why This Course?

Comprehensive Understanding of Indian Geography

This course offers a detailed exploration of India’s geography, focusing on both human and physical aspects that shape its population and economy.

Focus on Current Issues

By studying migration, urbanization, and sustainable development, students will gain insights into contemporary geographical challenges facing India.

Practical Application through Case Studies and Field Work

Incorporating real-world case studies and field visits enhances students' understanding of geographic concepts, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Career Preparation

This course is ideal for students interested in careers in geography, urban planning, environmental science, or related fields, providing a solid foundation for future studies or professional opportunities.


  • 0 Sections
  • 0 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 0m Duration

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